Friday Facepalm– Feb 21, 2014

You know, I kinda like that title. I might have to make it a thing. Lord knows there’s enough material out there for that.

So, at work, someone ordered pizza and, after placing the order, had a question on whether they charged for delivery. Their menu was unclear, so we went to their website. Here’s what I found:

  1. It was built entirely in Flash (last “copyright date” is 2008).
  2. With an animated intro.
  3. And music that plays automatically.
  4. It also had a menu in the shape of a pizza, using a picture of a pie, complete with hovers and rollovers.
  5. But there was no search function.
  6. It did have an “order online” option, but that redirected us to a separate site that looked like one of those “ is available” pages, and that had a list of sub-menus with no way to do an intelligent search.


It was at this point I gave up, and we called the place. They have a $2 delivery charge.

Random Thought for Wednesday, January 15, 2014

On decisions–
There’s an old saying– “It’s better to fail trying something than it is to succeed doing nothing.

It’s one thing to change a decision once it’s been put into action and its results can be evaluated. It’s another to constantly make second-guessing decisions without ever putting any of them in motion.

The former shows flexibility, strength of character and the potential for growth. The latter a paralyzing fear of the unknown.

Given those options. I’ll take the former any day.

Random Thought for Friday, September 27, 2013

In the spirit of full disclosure– Although I’m a fan of Apple, and am both personally and professionally an owner, user and consumer of Apple’s products, I am not— as of this writing, at least— an iPhone user. 

Since the release of iOS 7, I’ve listened to the reactions on radio and tv, and read opinions both on-and off-line. Although the speed and rate of adoption has been high (as is with any new technology), the reactions so far have been, in my less-than-scientific survey, overwhelmingly less than positive, ranging from a “wait and see” to indifference to downright disgust.

This got me thinking– Does iOS 7 have the potential of becoming Apple’s Vista?

Just thinking out loud here…