Create Something Every Day (#daily365)– For March 1

These last couple of days have been a bit odd. I had all the best intentions of getting this done yesterday, but time spent with family took precedence, so, at least for a day or two, I’ll probably be behind with my projects.

On today’s CSED:

I decided that it would probably be easier on me if I set a theme for the month and used that as a springboard. I took a cue from Daniela, over at “designism” and decided to go with a music theme. I’m thinking that I’d like to do a month’s worth of album covers done in the Blue Note records style, but with my self-imposed time limits this may not always be possible.

In the meantime, however, please enjoy the first of what will hopefully be a month’s worth of Blue Note-style album covers.

layout ©2010 rafael armstrong. Any and all images are the property of their respective owners, and are respectfully used strictly and specifically for the purposes of this CSED project.