Create Something Every Day (#daily365)– Feb 05

The best laid plans…

So, I had everything done and ready. Figured I could afford myself plunking down to watch the Smallville “JSA” 2-parter (I’m not a Smallville fan, but I’ve been a comics fan for a while and wanted to see how they would handle some of these Golden Age characters). The episode was really good, by the way. So good I may actually start watching the show.

But I digress.

After it was over, I switched over to Spike to watch some Pride mma fights. Next thing I know it’s after midnight and Tonight Show is on. So much for my plan.

So, this morning, after taking a survey of the snow that never was (what a gyp! The folks that cleaned out the local supermarkets last night must be regretting their decisions right about now), I’m taking a moment to upload yesterday’s concept. It’s a shot of the wireframing I’m working on as part of the visual realignment of my site.

©2010 rafael armstrong

As with all CSED projects, because of the self-imposed time limit of around 30 minutes, it’s far from a final draft (in some instances, it’s been barely a first draft). Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.

Site’s been upgraded!

After months of working late at night, occasionally banging my head against the keyboard, and poking and prodding at images and code, I have finally completed and uploaded a brand new look for my portfolio site– check it out here— complete with email contact form and a little jQuery slideshow. It’s the first time I’ve coded a site from the ground up– no Photoshop plugins, no Fireworks. Just html and CSS, with a little online help for the jQuery and email form, so I’m sure there are things that could be more efficient, code that could probably be leaner. Regardless, I’m proud of the hard work and happy with the results so far.
Please do check it out and tell me what you think..